Thursday 4 January 2007

How unique are you?

I found this (almost useless) site which tells you how many people in the UK have your name. See There are apparently 13 people in the UK with my name. Aren't I special?

Wednesday 3 January 2007

New Years resolutions

In the year 2007 I resolve to:
Make the FBI's most wanted list.

Get your resolution here.

Courtesy of

Belated welcome

I reaslised... i never welcomed you wonderful people to my blog! So welcome, feel free to take a look around, doubtless this blog will improve as my grasp of technology improves....

And did I mention that you're looking lovely today?

First post

ok, its not day one of anything, except this blog, but hey, you gotta start somewhere, right? I have to confess, I didn't really think I would ever be one of the people to have a blog; why would some stranger care about my thoughts or my life? The fact is I have aspirations to be a writer (and aspirations is probably all they'll ever be, but what the hell), so I figure the more I write, hopefully the better I'll get at it. I can also hope that I provide a small amount of entertainment for all you folks out there along the way. And see left for how productive my day has been. Its drawn in charcoal, by the way